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October 25, 2016 5 min read
My name is Lydia Christiansen, I own and operate Abundant Earth Fiber, a small textile mill located on Whidbey Island. If you drive about 35 miles north from Seattle and cross the cool waters of the Puget Sound on the Mukilteo ferry, you will find yourself in the rural town of Clinton. Just a few blocks from the water, down a quiet residential street is the unassuming building where I turn wool into yarn.
The entrance takes you through a small room facing the water which is the epicenter of my creativity. This is where my single treadle Lendrum spinning wheel and four-harness Leclerc Artistat floor loom (two pieces which arguably started it all) are used regularly in designing, testing, and playing with yarn.
My ambition to open a mill came through a long and winding quest to discover a rewarding and meaningful career. I picked up hand spinning as a relaxing hobby after my first son was born, and quickly learned of my insatiable interest in wool. The transition from hand processing to owning a mill was an intense but also natural evolution.
At the heart of it all, my work in textiles is an expression of devotion to source, process, our interconnectedness, and my fervent belief that the earth gives abundantly for us to thrive.
Although my work began sitting in front of a small hand spinning wheel, the mill itself is truly overwhelming in comparison. Pass through the back door of my small studio and you stand in between two large, open rooms packed to the gills with wool from local farms in various stages of development along with industrial textile equipment rescued from the remnants of American manufacturing. These rooms hum to the familiar rhythm of stout and simple mid-century mechanics. In fact, my family has even come to adore my evening perfume of wool and machine oil.
Continue past these rooms, and you will find yourself in a long hallway lined with lavender leading into my wash room. A sturdy 6’ x 4’ skirting table stands in the center of the room, mesh drying racks line the walls, and a row of vintage washing machines attend to the scouring under high ceilings and ample natural light. This work is complicated and labor intensive as there has been little innovation for scouring in small quantities. Thirty to forty pounds of raw fiber represents a good day for washing raw fiber. Drying the clean wool can take two to three days depending on the weather. In spite of the inefficiencies of scouring, I take great satisfaction in reading each raw fleece by hand and embracing an armful of clean, dry locks as a job well done.
Clean fiber goes on to be carded with the help of three different machines. It is first picked to open the locks, then carded into roving, and finally pin drafted to the specific gauge of the yarn it is to become. Spinning and plying is done on industrial frames to the tune of about one thousand skeins of yarn per month.
When I originally began researching milling equipment, I immediately knew I wanted salvaged industrial machines that would stand the test of time. Learning to operate and maintain them would fall entirely on my shoulders so I had to find reliable and simple machines. Word of mouth led me to a couple from Oklahoma who were retiring their carding business. Anxiously I flew out to meet them and to spend a day trying my hand at carding. When I saw the Patrick Green Power Picker, 26” McDermott Card, and Warner & Swasey Pin Drafter it was love at first sight. From that point on, it was not a question of if, but how. I left Oklahoma with a purchase offer on the table, and the first handful of wool I had carded myself tucked away in my pocket. Amid the swirling emotions of risk and ambition, hope and fear, that little pocket of wool meant everything to me. I didn’t want to let go of it.
Overwhelmed with the enormous acquisition, I made up my mind to grow my business slowly over time and perhaps someday add a spin frame. My friend and mentor, Chuck McDermott called me shortly after my purchase to congratulate me. He also offered me two Whitin Roberts spin frames he’d found from a larger mill going out of business which were destined for scrap if I didn’t want them. I told him absolutely not, and was pretty sure I had already bitten off more than I should chew. For the next three nights I stayed awake thinking about those spinners and my looming feeling of regret for turning them down. I called Chuck back, closed my eyes and jumped. In hind sight, I can’t imagine this mill without them. They are the heart and soul of my work, and I will ever be grateful to my friend, Chuck, for pushing me over that cliff.
Miraculously the process of purchasing equipment fell in line with our efforts to obtain a lease on the building and prepare the space with adequate layout, power, and water. The first time I said the words out loud, “I think I need a mill.” was in January of 2014. In April, I made the offer on the carding equipment, and in May I bought the spinners. The first semi truck arrived in June, and the second in early July. On July 26, 2014 I opened my doors to the public for a grand opening.
Sometimes the universe meets and carries you forward faster than you could have ever done alone.
Owning and operating the mill has pushed me to understand more about yarn, the textile industry, and myself as a human being than I ever imagined I had the strength to learn. The path towards surviving as a small mill is unpaved. It is clear however, as I’m sure it is elsewhere in life, that we cannot repeat what has been done in the past and expect different results. Uncertainty pushes us to be creative, and I am grateful for the challenge. No matter what the future holds, I am quite certain I’ll be making yarn. I live daily by the mantra that my only option is to evolve and nothing is a loss if I choose to learn from it.
For now, I sell my yarn to dyers, designers, hand knitters and weavers all over the country. It brings me unimaginable joy to see my skeins transformed into colorful works of art by the skilled hands of makers far and wide. In a world engorged with mass produced textiles, I am proud to be offering something a little different made from hard work, attention to detail, and this abundant natural resource, wool.
April 09, 2023
This is what I want to do. Your story is so inspiring. I’m so glad you found the life you wanted and work that fulfils you.
May 24, 2019
‘Sometimes the universe meets and carries you forward faster than you could have ever done alone.’ This resonated so much with me.I live in Luxembourg and started off also as a spinner. As demand for my yarn grew I felt that I was running purely on imagination and grit. While I don’t have my own mill I’ve been slowly moving my small company towards ‘farm to yarn’ by getting to know the local wools and farmers and figuring out how the mini mill collaboration works. It is SO NICE hearing your story, it gives me renewed motivation. I had actually lived in Seattle for 6 years and was in Langley on Whidbey Island often visiting friends. I"m so happy to hear about a mill there. Hopefully I"ll get back sooner than later and get to visit.
February 20, 2019
I found you through Marie Green’s purchase of wool for her new Gansey sweater pattern. I wanted to support a small American business. I am a artist/painter who knits in the evening. I purchased 7 skeins of Verdent (light gray) and have only knit the swatch but am already loving the yarn and the sweater to come! It’s wonderful. Bravo! I have become a big fan of the young women who are exploding thiese small fiber businesses. We lived in New England during the late 60-70’s and sadly watched the American mills go out of business. I thank you for being a part of the revival of the American fiber world and I applaud your love of the labor that goes into this beautiful yarn!
February 20, 2019
Hello, Lydia & Alan & all ~ truly an inspiring tale of knowing what you want and how to go there even if you don’t know what that is. I love the shop, the intention, the service, the product, the dye kits, the patterns, the help, the support, the encouragement & just the fact that I live in a place that canhost something as wonderful as this sort of dream. I have 3 hats done & am working my way through the Portland throw. Not only will the gifts be well received, the gift will be enhanced by the story of where the fiber came from. Every good wish for continued health & prosperity! With blessings and respect
February 20, 2019
How wonderful to find you here & read your story. Marvelous! Before I came to live on the island as a story artist I worked as a shepherd on Juniper Moon Fiber Farm in Virginia & spent time at local mills. I just wish I had some sheep – my dream – I’ll be sure to stop by to check out your offerings – I have hand knitting to do! Bravo!
June 05, 2018
Hello! I found you by way of A Wooden Nest YouTube video. I love reading your story and embrace your aesthetics. I just ordered the aviary yarn in rose gray along with the free hat pattern. Thank you very much ! Maria Shea
June 05, 2018
I love your story – passion and patience and hard work. As a former small business owner (commercial printing), I totally get what it takes. KUDOS!
June 05, 2018
What a lovely story and an inspiring glimpse into the process and life of a
devoted and passionate creator of fine wool and sharing that with the knitters of the world who are also passionate about the “gold” they spin with!
October 29, 2017
Beautifully told! Lydia, your yarn and your vision are lovely gems in our fiber community. Thank you for your hard work, passion, and integrity. We all benefit from your efforts, from animal to farmer, artist to admirer, maker to warm adventurer. You’re reminding us: we’re all connected. Thank you for your role and heart in this tradition. You make the most beautiful yarn!
June 23, 2017
Lydia, I love how you have described the mill. It was such a delight to read (and see photo’s) of how you have transformed your dream into a reality. I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished in such a short time! I am thrilled that you are having such fun. I am in awe of your talents and creativity. You are truly blessed. Mom
June 23, 2017
I grew up in Gig Harbor and moved away a few years ago. It is wonderful to see such an amazing business in Washington!!!
June 23, 2017
Lydia you are an inspiration. Wanting or imagining can become sequestered from the actual doing, and the doing can generate a lot of actual territory to deal with physically and emotionally. Integrating the dream world with the physical world? A phenomenon to be appreciated.Having dreamed of a weaving school for 30 years I bought five 1950’s floor looms last month when I came across them at an impossible price. They were made in North Seattle by Charley Murphy. They are vibrating with potential, inviting me to face the unknown, do things I could easily talk myself out of, challenging every staid part of me to move forward and believe in what is possible.Your story, so beautifully told, has once again encouraged and strengthened me.Thank you.
June 23, 2017
SO enjoyed seeing your beautiful products at Madrona Fiber Arts this weekend. Treated myself to to a couple of skeins and hope to be back as a customer. Your story is inspiring and makes it easy to support local industry & craft. Best of luck!
June 23, 2017
I’m swooning! Swooning over your story! Swooning over the pictures of your fabulous equipment! I’m a shepherd on a neighboring island with a small flock of lovely sheep who produce some pretty spectacular wool. My animals have inspired me to begin to tell my own story with their lovely fiber. I’d love to visit your mill soon. -Leslie Torres
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April 09, 2023
“Farm to yarn” - how wonderful in this age of mass production. I am “new” to your website and products — arrived here through a friend of a friend of my sister… isn’t that always the way? Your story inspired me to really think about the yarn I own and how I might want my stash to grow and develop in a very different way – my thanks for the inspiration.